Just before Christmas our friend, private dining chef and Northern Ireland's very own barbecue cook extraordinaire, Jasper Castel, paid a visit to our County Down showroom to check out the latest Traegar Grills. Not being one to waste an opportunity where good food and good company is concerned The Stove Yard team contrived to make sure a turkey with all the trimmings could be readily at hand.
Well, it being Christmas and all, it didn't take too much to persuade Jasper to quickly fire up the Ironwood 885 Traeger Grill (it's so much faster than other barbecues) and rustle us up a full blown feast that was simply divine. Who knew you could cook Brussels Sprouts to perfection in a grill? Jasper also revealed his secret to creating the best gravy known to man or woman and it's not actually that difficult. Fortunately Richard was on hand to film it all as it happened, so if you want to check out just how wonderfully versatile it is to cook on the Traeger Grill (and exactly how to make the perfect gravy) then check out the Stove Yard channel on YouTube here.
On Saturday, April 5th, from 10 AM – 2 PM, we’re firing up the grills at The Stove Yard for a free BBQ tasting and live demo. Whether you’re thinking about getting a Traeger or just want some incredible food, this is your chance to see, smell, and taste what real wood-fired cooking is all about.
Will wood burning stoves be banned in the UK? Despite media scare stories, modern Ecodesign stoves are cleaner than ever, and sustainably sourced wood remains a carbon-neutral, renewable fuel. While regulations are tightening, wood burning stoves are here to stay.
If you’re planning to install a stove in your shed, hut, cabin or garden office then no doubt you’ve probably already visited some websites and also watched a few of the many YouTube videos to help kick-start your project. It’s important though to point out that a lot of these ‘how to’ videos, however well-intentioned they may be, in our opinion are grossly misinformed and some of the practices shown are actually downright dangerous... read more