Multi-Fuel Stoves – Still a really popular choice

For many of us multi-fuel stoves that burn both wood logs and coal (not forgetting peat) still have an important place in our homes. These days, quite rightly, we're no longer allowed to burn traditional house coal in them because of the high emissions it produces but instead we must now use cleaner burning approved smokeless coals. These readily available, ready to burn, smokeless fuels still produce tremendous heat and have the advantage of being able to successfully slumber burn, whilst still glowing satisfyingly brightly, for many hours. Of course multi-fuel stoves will also burn wood equally well and this choice of fuels is just one of the reasons that still makes a multi fuel stove a great buy for many people. At The Stove Yard we have a wide selection to choose from, including from the leading brands such as Hi-Flame, Dunsley and Stovax. Whichever multi-fuel stove you choose from us you'll not only get the best expert advice but also the highest level of customer care, both of which have helped secure The Stove Yard's reputation as Northern Ireland's premier stove dealer.


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