Installing a Stove in a Shed or Shepherd Hut? Read The Stove Yard’s Comprehensive Guide!

by Richard Poulter January 14, 2024 0 min read

If you’re planning to install a stove in your shed, hut, cabin or garden office then no doubt you’ve probably already visited some websites and also watched a few of the many YouTube videos to help kick-start your project. It’s important though to point out that a lot of these ‘how to’ videos, however well-intentioned they may be, in our opinion are grossly misinformed and some of the practices shown are actually downright dangerous... read more

Wood Burning Stoves in New Build Houses

by Geoff Royle March 25, 2022 0 min read

Wood Burning Stoves in New Build Houses

Check out our 18-page guide: Stoves and New Builds.

It really pays to think about this as soon as possible, even if you're not quite ready to fit one right away. When a wood burning stove is planned in from the very start, in many cases, it could help you to reduce its installation costs. It will also simplify dealings with Building Control and it will improve your SAP calculation. Better still, If the stove is for a new-build you can even claim the 20% VAT back. Read more...


by Geoff Royle June 24, 2021 0 min read

Whether you like it or not heat pumps are coming. The government has big plans to make them play a major role in the UK's domestic heating mix. Carbon-loaded coal fired electricity generation is now virtually a thing of the past and next on the Governments hit list is doing away with fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. Since domestic heating is one of the biggest users of these fuels, then removing them from our homes has to be a priority. The Government is planning for some 600,000 heat pump installations per year until 2028. But what are they like to live with...

State-of-the-art Ecodesign Boiler Stoves

by Richard Poulter May 14, 2021 0 min read

They're boiler stoves Jim, but not as we know them.

At The Stove Yard in the early days we built our business in Ireland on the back of sky rocketing oil prices and multi fuel central heating boiler stoves. With energy prices eventually settling down and with virtually everyone and his uncle having installed one, boiler stove sales eventually settled down. With the introduction of the tough Ecodesign emissions regulations at the end of this year it seemed to everyone that boiler stoves would come to the end of the road. But will they? Read more...

New Stove Guide For Local Authorities

by Geoff Royle April 16, 2021 0 min read

The Stove Industry Alliance (SIA), the trade organisation which represents most of the stove brands and related products and services in the UK and Ireland, and which The Stove Yard are proud to be founding members, has just published an informative guide to wood burning and multi fuel stoves for local authorities which you can download here.

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