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DIBt StovesCreated specially for low energy and Passiv Haus homes

When it comes to installing a wood burning stove in an 'air-tight' house there is really only one type of stove which you should consider and that is one which has been subjected to the rigorous DIBt room seal test. This test was developed in Germany specifically to evaluate the effectiveness of a stove's room seal, especially the air tightness of the door. The DIBt standard ensures that the stove will perform safely even when subjected to any potential adverse air pressure changes in the room associated with the operation of whole-house mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems (MVHR). DIBt tested stoves also feature direct external air supply (DEAS) and this combination makes them virtually 100% room-sealed. Without such a seal the stove may have the potential to leak dangerous carbon monoxide (CO) when MVHR is in operation. BS8303:2018 'Installation of domestic heating appliances' now incorporates commissioning procedures, including worst case scenario pressure tests, which must be carried out before the stove and its installation can be 'signed off' as safe to operate. At The Stove Yard we have a wealth of experience working with DIBt stoves and their installation which goes back to when they were first introduced by Dan Skan.

Check out the article we wrote on the subject for Modern Builder

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