Don't burn it just because it's free...

by Peter Gough November 17, 2022 0 min read

With the current crippling energy prices many of us are going to have to rely more and more on our stoves and, if we haven't got a stove, our open fires. There's going to be a real temptation therefore to burn whatever we can lay our hands on rather than pay out for kiln dried or seasoned wood and smokeless coal. After all it's free fuel, isn't it? ...more

Make it a sizzling summer with three of the very best

by Richard Poulter May 29, 2022 0 min read

According to The Sun today we're heading for especially sunny weather during this coming extra long Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend and that's when the barbecue season will well and truly kick off. Eating al fresco with friends and family when the sun is shining is one of life's great pleasures and it's all the better when the food is good too. At The Stove Yard we're ready and waiting with some of the very best barbecues and grills for those of you who are planning to upgrade their old grill and who want to take their outdoor cooking to another level... read more

Turkey on the Traeger Pellet Grill

by Richard Poulter January 13, 2022 0 min read

Just before Christmas our friend, private dining chef and Northern Ireland's very own barbecue cook extraordinaire, Jasper Castel, paid a visit to our County Down showroom to check out the latest Traegar Grills. Not being one to waste an opportunity where good food and good company is concerned The Stove Yard team contrived to make sure a turkey with all the trimmings could be readily at hand...

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Check Out Our Smokin' New Traeger Grill Video with Special Offers

by Richard Poulter November 22, 2021 0 min read

When it comes to road-testing any of our new outdoor barbecue or grills you don't need to ask our County Down sales team twice – especially when our friend, chef Jasper Castel, is willing to rustle up some ever-so tasty baby back ribs and chicken wings to demonstrate just how easy it is to use a wood pellet fired Traeger grill and smoker. Naturally we had to film it...

 We really enjoy making these videos, to help us please like and subscribe to The Stove Yard Youtube Channel


The Sun shines a positive light on stoves and their running costs

by Peter Gough November 12, 2021 0 min read

After all the scaremongering and misinformation about stoves a national daily paper finally sets the record straight with a factual article on exactly what it costs to run a wood burner compared to electricity and gas. The Sun article makes welcome news to stove lovers everywhere who probably knew all of this anyway. Since the article was written before Firmus, one of Northern Ireland's two gas suppliers, announced that their price will rise by 38%, adding a further £267 to a typical annual gas bill, the comparison will now be much more in favour of stoves.


Grills Just Wanna Have Fun

by Peter Gough May 21, 2021 0 min read

Road-testing Traeger Grills at The Stove Yard this Saturday

It's one of the nice things about working at The Stove Yard – when the weather starts getting better we get to thinking about cooking outdoors and to start planning our famous demonstrations on the barbecues and grills we sell. We're all big fans of cooking outdoors so our regular Saturday morning demos are no real hardship for us and of course, along with our customers, we also get to tuck into whatever we've rustled up...

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