The Stove Industry Alliance (SIA), the trade organisation which represents most of the stove brands and related products and services in the UK and Ireland, and which The Stove Yard are proud to be founding members, has just published an informative guide to wood burning and multi fuel stoves for local authorities which you can download here.
At the end of March and in the midst of shutdown we were delighted to see our vacant showroom in Kiltonga have a spark of life back in it. Our Friends from Hellbent tackled the opportunity to use our showroom kitchen to film and photograph some of their wonderful new products.
In many ways the new normal could be better than the old one.
Even though we'll all be trying hard to get back to normal many of us will probably play it safe and avoid the crowds. Instead we'll be looking forward to rubbing shoulders with friends and family at home. How we've missed them. Entertaining in the garden when the weather's better is therefore set to become the new normal.
With the longer, warmer days finally on their way, at last it's time to dust down that rusty old barbie and head for the great outdoors to enjoy food as nature intended – al fresco, relaxed and informal. For lots of us this time of year also means an annual trip to buy a new barbecue because the old one just hasn't gone the distance.
I'm not normally sentimental but as I approach the end of 2020 I must admit to getting just a bit misty-eyed for the good old days of 2019. Although I'm pretty confident that next year is likely to be so much better than this one (let's call it 20/20 hindsight) it's also bound to be so much different than 2019, but not necessarily in a new and improved way. At least not for many businesses.
Carrickfergus Cricket Club, who are sponsored by The Stove Yard, have just been voted Tildenet Club of the Year in the 2014 Cricket Ireland Awards. Not surprising really, when you think that the first team won four titles